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EVO Next Generation

EVO-NG is the successor EVO which applies same idea but in different point of view. EVO was built to become an app engine, but EVO-NG has built to become versatile,flexible and highly customizable app engine.

Aims of NG:

  • Treat golang as an interpreter language, yet it is compiled
  • Highly customizable without sacrificing anything
  • Reusable/Customizable painlessly
  • Ready for scaled and distributed systems
  • Yet high performance

⚠️ Important

EVO-NG works only with Go modules. GOPATH mode is likely to break most of the functionality of the EVO-NG eco-system.

Also, the EVO-NG actively gives support to the last 2 versions of Go, which at the moment are:

  • 1.16.x
  • 1.17.x

While EVO-NG may work on older versions, we encourage you to upgrade to latest 2 versions of Go for a better development experience.

This wiki is primarily aimed at engineers building or making contributions to EVO NG.

If you are new to EVO Next Generation, then you will find more general information on the EVO project, including tutorials and samples.

If you want to know what we’re likely to do in the future, our roadmap may be of interest.

If you intend to contribute to EVO Next Generation, welcome! You are encouraged to start with our contributor guide, which helps onboard new team members. It points to the most relevant pages on this wiki.