EVO is able to parse yml files as config. By default EVO tries to reach config.yml at working directory of the executable app. If EVO was not be able to find config.yml then it tries:
For Linux:
And for Windows:
You may pass different path or file name for config.yml by passig -c
arg to executable app.
Configuration structure
# App configurations
name: "Sample App" #Application Name
language: en-GB #Application Lang
static: ./httpdocs #Static files path
session-age: 60 #Login session age
#0 to 4
strong-pass-level: 0 #Password difficulty
secret: "a.random.public.key" #JWT Secret
issuer: "evo" #JWT Issuer
audience: ["*"] #JWT Audience
age: 24h #JWT Expiration Period
subject: "Evo App" #JWT Subject
# Server configurations
host: "" #Host
port: "80" #Port
https: false #Use https?
cert: cert.pem #ssl cert
key: key.pem #ssl key
name: "evo" #Server name exposed in header
strict-routing: false #Care about slashes at the end of urls?
case-sensitive: false #Care about uppercase/lowercase urls?
max-upload-size: 5M #Max Upload Size
request-id: true #Set uinque id for each request in header
debug: true #Show debug data
recover: false #Recover on panics
# Database credentials
enabled: true #Use database?
type: "sqlite" #Kind of database: mssql,mysql,postgres,sqlite
server: "" #Server address
database: "database.sqlite3" #Database name
user: "admin" #Database username
pass: "super-pedro-1980" #Database password
cache: true #Cache results?
cache-size: 1000 #Cache size
debug: false #Debug database?
ssl-mode: "disable" #Database over ssl
max-open-connections: 100 #Max db concurrent connections
max-idle-connections: 10 #Max db idle connections
connection-max-lifetime: 1h #Renew connection after duration
#Log to file
writefile: true #Write Log to file
size: 5 #Log size in mb
age: 7 #Log age in days
level: debug #Log level to write on file
path: ./logs #Log path
ballast: true #Use ballast?
ballast-size: 100mb #ballast
processors: 0 #number of processors to occupy
prefork: false #use prefork
#Cross Origin Resource Sharing
enabled: true #enable cors?
allowed-origins: ["*"] #cors trusted origins
allowed-methods: ["GET","POST","HEAD","OPTION","PUT","PATCH","DELETE"] #cors enabled methods
allowed-credentials: true #cors enable credentials?
allowed-headers: ["*"] #cors enabled headers
max-age: 0 #max preflight age
#Rate Limiter
enabled: false #enable rate limiter?
duration: 10 #rate limiter duration to keep data
requests: 10 #number of requests in duration
Custom configuration for apps
You may add custom configuration to the apps in to ways: Embed configuration in default app config:
type Custom struct {
Array []string `yaml:"array"`
cfg := Custom{}
//load custom key from app config
evo.ParseConfig("", "custom", &cfg)
Read configuration from custom config file:
//load custom key from custom file
evo.ParseConfig("custom.yml", "custom", &cfg)